
Chinese Youth Turn to Gold Beans for Financial Security

Published May 2, 2024

In a modern-day version of the gold rush, Chinese jewellery stores are noting an unusual increase in their younger clientele. The lure of the gold bean, a new investment craze powered by viral social media trends, is attracting young adults from the Millennial and Gen Z cohorts.

These petite gold pieces, some weighing a mere gram and valued approximately at 600 yuan (130 dollars), are embraced by financially wary youngsters. With an economic future that seems to be on shaky ground, these tiny ingots represent a beacon of stability.

The allure of gold investment is deepening amidst signals of an economic slowdown. The nation's property market is in turmoil, stock market gains are minimal and youth unemployment is hovering around an unsettling 15 percent. Amidst this uncertainty, gold, historically perceived as a steadfast store of value, is shining bright for the younger generation.

The trend isn't just about following a fad; it's seen as a pragmatic choice in a time when the economic outlook isn't too promising, and other investment options seem less appealing. Young investors, like 23-year-old actress Shi Wu, find the price point for gold beans accessible enough to start building personal reserves without significant financial burden.

The uptick in gold prices, reaching record highs in April, underscores the precious metal's appeal during volatile periods. Gold has been a traditional investment for the middle class, particularly among middle-aged women known as 'dama' who are notorious for their gold-buying practices.

However, not everyone is convinced, and some people opt for larger gold bars instead of accumulating tiny beans. Concerns over scams involving fake or adulterated gold beans have surfaced, but that hasn't deterred banks like China Merchants Bank Co from capitalizing on the trend with new product lines.

The younger generation couples their investment approaches with caution, seeking jobs that provide stability and social security in an uncertain economy. While some have expressed dissatisfaction with the economic climate and job market, the lean toward gold demonstrates a proactive approach to personal finance amidst these challenges.

Gold, Investment, Youth