
Ethereum Layer 2 Networks Base and Optimism See Monumental Reduction in Transaction Fees Post-Dencun Upgrade

Published March 14, 2024

In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, the Ethereum Layer-2 networks Base and Optimism have taken a giant leap forward with the successful implementation of the Dencun upgrade. This significant development has resulted in median transaction fees plummeting, a change so profound that operations that previously cost cents are now costing fractions of a penny.

Unprecedented Fee Reduction

The Dencun upgrade, initiated just yesterday, has catapulted Layer-2 networks like Optimism into a new era of efficiency. Jesse Pollak, who leads the Coinbase-incubated L2 network named Base, remarked that transaction fees have dropped so drastically that digital wallets will need to display additional decimal places to accurately represent the costs. Pollak demonstrated with a screenshot that a transaction which formerly cost $0.31 pre-upgrade now costs a mere $0.0005—a reduction so significant that it appears to be free at a glance.

Operational Overhaul with Dencun

The technological underpinnings of the Dencun upgrade are quite intriguing. By introducing proto-danksharding via what is known colloquially as 4844—a nod to EIP-4844—the upgrade brings to the table the concept of 'blobs'. These binary large objects of data are attached to blocks of transactions and are set to automatically delete after a few months. The advantage is their storage method, making them less costly to process compared to the previously used calldata. This innovation not only slashes operational costs for Layer-2 networks but also greatly diminishes user transaction fees.

However, it's not all smooth sailing. As the main Optimism account hints, these lower transaction fees may be temporary. More usage could lead to an incremental rise in demand for blobs, consequently causing a mild hike in costs over time. Despite this, the overall outlook is positive as these changes are viewed as merely the commencement of a longer danksharding roadmap, aimed at continually advancing scalability within the Ethereum ecosystem.

Fleeting or Future?

Anthony Sassano, a core developer in the Ethereum community, warns that while transaction fees are notably low following the Dencun upgrade, we may see a gradual rise in costs as the appetite for blob usage grows. Nevertheless, the present situation presents an incredible opportunity for users to experience crypto transactions like never before - quick, efficient, and most importantly, economically viable.

Ethereum, Layer-2, Dencun