Insider Selling: Standard Chartered PLC (LON:STAN) Insider Sells 62,739 Shares of Stock
Standard Chartered PLC (LON:STAN) saw insider Bill Winters sell 62,739 shares of the company's stock on Wednesday, March 19th. These shares were sold at an average price of GBX 1,191 ($15.49), leading to a total sale amount of £747,221.49 ($972,058.66).
Bill Winters has been active in trading shares recently. On Monday, March 17th, he sold 40,432 shares at an average price of GBX 1,163 ($15.13), with a total of £470,224.16 ($611,713.49). Before that, on Friday, March 14th, he acquired 33,453 shares at a price of GBX 1,158 ($15.06) per share, amounting to £387,385.74 ($503,949.19). Earlier in the month, on March 10th, he sold 41,190 shares for an average of GBX 12 ($0.16), totaling £4,942.80 ($6,430.08).
Current Stock Performance
As of Thursday, Standard Chartered shares dropped by 1.6%, trading at GBX 1,175.14 ($15.29) during mid-day trading. The trading volume was 6,158,806 shares, below the average volume of 16,625,271 shares. The company's market capitalization stands at £35.48 billion, with a P/E ratio of 10.58 and a P/E/G ratio of 0.80. Over the past year, the stock has varied between a low of GBX 635.20 ($8.26) and a high of GBX 1,281 ($16.66). The 50-day simple moving average is GBX 1,129.64, while the two-hundred day simple moving average is GBX 967.05.
Dividend Announcement
In addition to recent trades, Standard Chartered has announced an upcoming dividend, which will be paid on Monday, May 19th. Shareholders recorded as of Thursday, March 27th, will receive a dividend of $0.28 per share, reflecting a yield of 1.79%. This new dividend shows an increase from the previous amount of $0.09. The ex-dividend date is set for March 27th, and the company has a dividend payout ratio (DPR) of 20.71%.
Analyst Ratings Update
Standard Chartered's stock has been reviewed by various financial analysts. Citigroup recently increased its price target for the shares from GBX 1,170 ($15.22) to GBX 1,250 ($16.26) while maintaining a "neutral" rating. Meanwhile, Deutsche Bank reaffirmed a "hold" rating, assigning a price target of GBX 970 ($12.62). Currently, three analysts rate the stock as a hold, while another three analysts suggest it as a buy. The consensus rating is noted as "Moderate Buy" with an average target price of GBX 1,073.33 ($13.96).
Overview of Standard Chartered PLC
Standard Chartered PLC provides a wide range of banking products and services through its subsidiaries in regions including Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and the Americas. The company is organized into three main segments: Corporate, Commercial & Institutional Banking; Consumer, Private & Business Banking; and Ventures.
StandardChartered, InsiderSelling, Dividend