
IEA Director Calls on Oil Producers to Act on Climate Commitments

Published November 23, 2023

Speaking recently, Fatih Birol, executive director of the International Energy Agency (IEA), appealed to the world's oil and gas industry to escalate their efforts in supporting clean energy and become more involved in attaining climate objectives. The call comes at a critical time when these industries remain major players in the climate crisis, according to Birol's statements made in Oslo, Norway.

Birol emphasized the fossil fuel industry's crucial role as the world prepares for the upcoming COP28 climate summit in Dubai. He signaled the summit as a decisive event for the industry to re-evaluate its impact and act meaningfully towards the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The IEA director admonished that continuing with 'business as usual' approaches would neither be socially nor environmentally sustainable.

Despite current trends suggesting that oil and gas use might peak by 2030, the IEA underscores the need for more decisive actions to curtail demand for these fossil fuels significantly. Birol indicated that if nation-states consistently honor their carbon-reduction commitments, the demand for oil and gas could plummet by 45% from today's levels by the year 2050.

Birol pointed out the disparity in clean energy investments, with the fossil fuel industry contributing a mere 1% to the global investment of approximately $1.8 trillion. This scant investment positions the industry as a 'marginal force' in the ongoing energy transition, underscoring the need for a heftier commitment and action.

The IEA director also highlighted the weighty decisions ahead for oil and gas firms, which employ millions globally. He stressed the indispensability of their participation in altering energy sector dynamics, distancing from overreliance on carbon capture as a sole solution. According to the IEA, realigning with a clean energy economy offers a viable path forward that benefits the climate and the companies involved.

The IEA maintains that reaching climate goals is attainable should the oil and gas sectors earnestly adapt. The report suggests the industry is well-positioned to amplify vital technologies that align with clean energy transitions, ultimately comprising a substantial portion of the energy consumption by 2050.

climate, energy, industry