
India's GDP Growth Forecast at 7.3% for FY24 with Nominal GDP Rising to 8.9%

Published January 5, 2024

India's economic forecast looks promising as the nation's GDP is expected to see a 7.3% increase in the fiscal year 2024. The Central Statistics Office's advance estimates have slated this growth amid enduring economic vigor. This forecast marks a slight uptick from the provisional 7.2% growth estimated for FY23. Despite differing predictions, such as a 6.7% rise anticipated by a Bloomberg survey and a 7% projection by the Reserve Bank of India, the CSO's estimate stands optimistic.

Understanding Gross Value Added

Gross value added (GVA), a measure that removes the effects of taxes and subsidies from the calculation, is expected to grow at 6.9%. This slightly lags behind the 7% growth seen in the previous fiscal year. Such a figure provides a more granular look at the true health of economic activities.

Economic Growth Across Diverse Sectors

Scrutinizing individual sectors reveals varied growth patterns. Agriculture is poised for a 1.8% growth, which is a deceleration from its previous 4% expansion. The mining sector, however, is forecasted to surge by 8.1%, nearly doubling its previous rate. The manufacturing sector seems set for a strong recovery with an anticipated growth of 6.5% after a meager 1.3% increase in the former fiscal year. Conversely, utility services which encompass electricity, gas, water supply, and others, might see a slight dip to 8.3% in growth from the prior 9%.

In the construction industry, growth remains strong, expected at 10.7%, nearly keeping pace with the previous fiscal's 10% growth rate. The trade, hotel, transport, and communication sectors might see a tapering with a 6.3% growth compared to a robust 14% the year before. Financial services, along with real estate and professional services, are estimated to jump by 8.9%, which would be a worthwhile gain from the 7.1% in the past fiscal. Lastly, the public administration segment is anticipated to see a 7.7% growth, marginally up from 7.2% in FY22, likely fueled by ongoing government expenditure.

Expenditure Patterns Signify Consumer and Government Trends

Delving into expenditure trends, private final consumption expenditure reflects a rise of 4.4%, indicating an uptick in consumer spending for FY24. Government final consumption expenditure is predicted to grow at 4.1%. Gross fixed capital formation, an indicator of private investment levels, is similarly seeing favorable prospects with an estimated increase of 10.3% for the same fiscal period.

GDP, Economy, Growth