
Companies Hesitant on Future Investments Amid Economic Uncertainty

Published December 4, 2023

In recent findings, South Korean businesses show reservations about their investment strategies for the upcoming year, faced with continuous economic and geopolitical instability. Concerns linger as companies navigate a landscape fraught with business risks at every turn.

Survey Reveals Investment Apprehension

A survey released by the Federation of Korean Industries (FKI) on Monday indicates reluctance amongst local firms when it comes to investment decisions for the following year. Out of the 131 companies from Korea’s top 500 firms by sales that responded, more than half are uncertain or lacking any investment plans for the coming year. Additionally, about 60% of these firms that do have plans anticipate maintaining investment levels similar to this year, with only approximately 29% considering an increase, signaling a cautious approach amidst economic unpredictability.

Risks Hampering Investment Decisions

Firms identify high interest rates as the primary barrier to their investment strategies, with exchange rates and rising prices not far behind. These financial pressures, compounded by the slow pace of global economic growth and concerns about private debt, have put a damper on enthusiastic investment outlooks.

Despite daunting economic indicators, some improvements are noted. While consumer prices witnessed a rise of 5.1 percent in 2022 from the year before, inflation slowed down marginally this year, with a third-quarter decrease to 3.1 percent. Still, this remains above the Bank of Korea's target inflation rate of 2 percent, suggesting that high-interest rates could persist—a situation that continues to weigh heavily on companies' investment ambitions.

Call for Government Intervention

To rekindle investment enthusiasm, FKI’s economic research division head, Choo Kwang-ho, has called on the government for more supportive measures. These include tax incentives and regulatory relaxation to bolster the business environment and strengthen companies' financial footing.

In regards to the economic rebound and investment recovery, opinions are split. A third of respondents forecast a potential upturn no sooner than the latter half of 2024, while a mere 12 percent maintain a more optimistic prediction of recovery kicking off in early 2024.

investment, uncertainty, business