
SEMI Industry Group Expresses Concern Over EU Foreign Investment Screening Plans

Published March 5, 2024

The industry association SEMI, which represents the global electronics manufacturing and design supply chain, has voiced apprehension regarding the European Union’s proposed plans to rigorously screen foreign investments. The group fears that such measures might adversely impact the industry within Europe itself.

Regulatory Scrutiny and Industry Concerns

The EU's initiative to intensify the assessment of foreign investments comes in the wake of rising concerns over the potential threats to critical sectors and technologies posed by non-EU entities, heightened by geopolitical tensions and the quest for technological sovereignty.

While the objectives of the proposed regulations are rooted in safeguarding national security and strategic interests, SEMI is concerned about the possible negative repercussions they could have—stifling innovation, hampering collaboration, and creating an environment of uncertainty that could deter investment and robust growth in the region's semiconductor industry.

Balance Between Security and Growth

Striking a balance between ensuring security and fostering industry growth is challenging. The SEMI group acknowledges this but emphasizes the need for clear, fair, and predictable rules that will not unduly burden businesses or thwart competitive edge.

The EU's considerations involve complex trade-offs between national interest and the benefits of global integration, which have historically driven the region's semiconductor industry success. SEMI’s stance is a reminder of that delicate equation, positing that too stringent controls may have the unintended effect of slowing down an industry vital for modern technological infrastructure.

SEMI, EU, Investment