
US Strikes Houthi-Controlled Weapons in Yemen to Thwart Red Sea Attacks

Published February 18, 2024

The United States has launched five self-defense strikes against weapons systems controlled by Houthi rebels based in Yemen. These targeted three mobile anti-ship cruise missiles, one unmanned underwater vessel (UUV), and one unmanned surface vessel (USV), according to the US Central Command (CENTCOM). The action represents the first reported instance of the US military engaging with an underwater drone operated by the Houthis.

The strikes were carried out on a Saturday between 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. local time and were aimed at mitigating imminent threats to US Navy and merchant ships in the area. CENTCOM conveyed that such preemptive measures are essential for safeguarding maritime navigation and securing international waters.

Red Sea: A critical trade chokepoint

Amidst the Israeli-Hamas conflict, the Houthi militia has intensified its activities in the Red Sea, targeting merchant shipping in a show of support for the Palestinians. Notably, a most recent assault involved a Danish oil tanker, previously identified as British, that suffered minor damage off Yemen's Mokha port.

The strife in the Red Sea, a crucial point for shipping, especially those operating between Asia and Europe, has led to concerns among global shipping firms. These waters are a preferred route for vessels heading towards the Suez Canal and the Mediterranean Sea.

Shipping costs to Europe rocket

As insurance rates have surged, many shipping companies have rerouted their vessels around Africa instead of passing through the now-risky Red Sea, which handles about 12% of the world's maritime trade. This change has resulted in dramatically increased fuel costs due to the extended journey.

Reacting to the Houthi aggressions, the US and the UK have dispatched warships to maintain the safety of these pivotal sea lanes.

EU to launch naval mission to Middle East

European Union foreign ministers are set to initiate a naval mission named 'Aspides' — an ancient Greek term for 'shield' — with the aim of protecting international shipping in the Red Sea against Houthi strikes. The mission will include three frigates and will initially last for one year, covering key waterways such as the Bab el-Mandeb Strait and the Strait of Hormuz, among others.

US, Houthi, RedSea