
U.S. Employment Gains as Strikes End and Workers Return in Hollywood and Detroit

Published December 8, 2023

In a positive turn for the U.S. economy, the unemployment rate declined in November, with significant job creation resulting from labor disputes being resolved in key industries. The adjustment in employment figures is a reflection of how pivotal labor peace is to economic stability and growth.

Lower Unemployment Rate

Last month witnessed a dip in the unemployment figures, reaching 3.7%. This improvement came as a surprise and marks a robust indicator of economic health, according to the U.S. Department of Labor Statistics that releases monthly employment data. With the jobless rate decreasing, the nation saw a growing confidence in its economic trajectory.

Hollywood's Job Market Revival

The entertainment sector, comprising motion picture and sound recording, saw an infusion of over 17,000 jobs. The influx primarily came from the end of strikes in Hollywood, as striking workers resumed their roles following successful negotiations. The Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) reached new three-year agreements with both the Writers Guild of America (WGA) and Screen Actors Guildā€American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA), effectively ending the work stoppages that had brought many productions to a standstill.

However, despite the welcome news, the film and sound recording industries are still not performing as well as last year, with total employees numbering 462,600 compared to 487,700 in the previous November. Job declines appear not solely related to the strikes, as broader economic forces and cost reductions in the industry play a role.

It is worth noting that the broader information industry category, which includes motion picture and sound recording, has seen a larger scale decrease of 104,000 jobs year-on-year.

Detroit's Automotive Workforce Bounces Back

The settling of industrial action boosted manufacturing employment as well, particularly within the automotive sector. Following the conclusion of the United Auto Workers' (UAW) prominent strike settlement, 30,000 motor vehicles and parts workers were back on the job. This contributed to an overall increase of 28,000 jobs in manufacturing for the month of November.

employment, Hollywood, Detroit